
Mothers Against Meth Amphetamines

Mothers Against Methamphetamine has video and printed material for those ministering to addicts, in jail or prison, and in rehabilitation settings. The Power Over Addiction curriculum is used with addicts and inmates across the nation to educate them about all drugs of abuse, including methamphetamine, and show them the mercy of Jesus Christ for the struggling addict.

Pamphlets, Books, DVD's, Clothing, and More!

"Who We Are"

Mission Statement: The mission of Mothers Against Methamphetamine (MAMa) is to glorify God by providing competent and compassionate drug education and rehabilitation resources that reflect the mercy of Jesus Christ for the addict, their family, and the community. 

"Why We Do It"

There is an epidemic of addiction sweeping this nation. There are more than one drug, but opoids, methamphetamine, cocaine, and several others are leading persons of all ages into addiction.

 There is an extremely potent form of “speed” that is ravaging our youth and young adults. Methamphetamine is the most addictive drug on the planet.

 Even just one dose/hit can destroy the self control section of the brain. It is cheap and easy to make. It knows no boundaries, rich, poor, black, white, educated, ignorant, young and old. It is destroying lives and abandoning children by the thousands in communities just like yours all over America.

 Our material is equipping individuals with the necessary resources to fight drug addiction in our homes, schools and communities.

We have material for families, concerning all drugs, secular material for schools and organizations who cannot use our faith based material.

"MamaSite" Mothers Against Meth Amphetamines Addiction

"MamaSite" Mothers Against Meth Amphetamines
Mothers Against Methamphetamine

Mothers Against Methamphetamine has video and printed material for those ministering to addicts, in jail or prison, and in rehabilitation settings. 


Phone: 866-293-8901                    



The Power Over Addiction curriculum is used with addicts and inmates across the nation to educate them about all drugs of abuse, including methamphetamine, and show them the mercy of Jesus Christ for the struggling addict.